Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Active Earth Graphics


M-j , Maddison , Abi. said...

we liked your vidio room 11 maybe you could tell us more.

Pt England Scribes said...

Well, we are learning about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis at school so we are making animations to show what happens. These are our graphics and now we need to turn them into animations and create voice-overs to explain what happens.

Shirquera said...

Hi Room 11. Room 8 loves your movie about erupting volcanoes because the houses are moving.

from Shirquera and Room 8

Miss Burne said...

I love your work Room 11.
What great graphics. They really show us what is happening during a natural disaster.
Keep up the amazing work.

isara said...

Hi room 11

i loved your volcano animaitions i thought they were vey cool

by Isara

Dante said...

Hi room 11 you have an awesome movie and a cool rock an roll song on there. Keep up the good work making some more on your class blog. From Dante

Lola said...

WOW Hi room 11 you have a n AWSOME animation and that rock and roll song.I like your guys pitures.


from Lola

lukis said...

Hi I like all volcons an earthquke keep it up rm11 by Lukis