How to play limbo
Things you will need
- One long stick or pole
- Limbo music
- People to play the game, the more the better
- A large space to play in (a hall, large empty room or maybe a grassy area)
Step 1: Get two people to hold the stick.
Step 2: Get everyone else to make a line in front of the stick. They must be at least 3 steps back from the stick.
Step 3: Start with the sticker high in the air and after each round the two holders must lower it.
Step 4: To start the game play your limbo music.
Step 5: If a player touches the stick or falls down they are out.
Step 6: The winner is the last one standing (the person who can go lowest).
Step 7: You will need a judge to say who is in and who is out.
Thank you for teaching me the right way to play limbo.
I'm really Glad i ran across this blog.Added to my bookmark!
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