Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wyatt Mihi

This term Room 11 have been learning to introduce themselves in Maori. Here is Wyatt's Mihi.

Ko (name) taku ingoa.
My name is...

Ko (number in Maori) oku tau.

I am ... years old
No (ethnicity) ahau

I am ...
Kei (Suburb) toku kainga noho

I live in ...

He (eye colour) oku whatu

My eyes are
He (hair colour) oku makawe

My hair is...
Ko (friend's name) toku hoa.
My friend's name is ...
E (their age) ona tau
He/She is ... years old
He tamaiti/kotiro ia.
He/She is a boy/girl.
No (ethnicity) ia
They are...
Ko (cat's name) toku ngeru
My cat's name is ...
Ko (dog's name) toku kuri
My dog's name is...


Casey Taloa said...

Great stuff Wyatt.You are a pro of what you were doing.And i like it.You have put a lot of efort and time of what you have done.

Great stuf

Anonymous said...

Hey Wyatt great work you said your MihiMihi nice and clear you did great work.

From Sylvia.

Jarna said...

Hey Wyatt

that was a very good Mihi you done.
You had a nice clear voice.
can you show your Mum and Dad your mihi.

well done Wyatt

your sincerely Jarna

徵信社 said...
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